Lockets are thought to be thousands of years old, but in their most familiar form, they can be traced back to the 16th century, when they were worn by both men and women. At the time, they frequently contained portraits of the reigning monarch. During her reign, Elizabeth I wore expensive lockets and also gave out lockets containing her portrait to her favorites in court. In the 17th century, lockets were often used to remember loved ones who had passed on. Lockets reached peak popularity during the Victorian era, in part because Prince Albert famously gave his beloved Queen Victoria a bracelet that had eight lockets attached to it, each containing a lock of hair from one of their eight children. After Albert passed away, Queen Victoria also wore a large mourning locket containing a photograph of him and a lock of his hair. During World War I, soldiers would often give their loved ones lockets containing photographs of them. Today, lockets are still used to hold pictures of loved ones and are often given as gifts for special occasions, such as weddings, births, and milestone birthdays. They are also popular gifts for sweethearts, close friends, and family members.